DTAA Boats

DTAA have 4 club boats available to our members, 3 boats on Lough Owel and 1 boat on Lough Lene. Check availability in the calendar below and contact the boat manager Jim Guiney or John O’Neill by phone or email to confirm your preferred location and date. For their contact details, please see your membership card.
Please note that the booking will not be confirmed until the boat manager has confirmed

Life jackets must be worn at all times and pelase check the weather forecast before setting out.

Boat Safety: Click here for useful information on boating safety

Please exercise care on the water. Life jackets must be worn at all times and please check the weather forecast before setting out.

Pulling up and locking the Boat after use:

Leave the boat clean and tidy and take all your litter home

Pull the boat well up on the shore

Ensure that there is a tyre under each side so that the boat is stable

Lock the oars with the chain and lock around the boat seat

Lock the ground chain at the bow (front of boat) to the designated DTAA concrete anchor point

Report any issues or damage to the boat manager