Author: dtaaadmin

DTAA Boats

DTAA have 4 club boats available to our members, 3 boats on Lough Owel and 1 boat on Lough Lene. Check availability in the calendar below and contact the boat manager Jim Guiney or John O’Neill by phone or email to confirm your preferred location and date. For their contact details, please see your membership […]

McCarron Cup 2024: stunning victory for Dermot Flynn

Perfect conditions: wind, cloud, temperature, sedge and olives hatching; the rain held off. 26 anglers returned 21 fish in this 2 fish limit competition to round off the DTAA season. Some great fish weighed in including Dermot Flynn’s fish of 5.59lbs, which with his second fish, gave a bag of 8.16lbs well ahead of nearest […]

DTAA Family Fun Day 2024

The weather was perfect, plenty of fish, boundless enthusiasm and joy ensured that the 15 children and young people (and their grown ups) had a great day out last Sunday. We gathered at the Laois Angling Centre at 11am, fished for a couple of hours, followed by lunch and, most importantly, the prize giving, wrapping […]