If he had to pick one fly, DTAA Secretary Cathal McDonnell would choose the Red Arsed Olive Green Stimulator.
Best fished in a wave on Lough Conn. David Dinsmore gave Cathal one of these flies on his first trip to Lough Conn and it has got fish at most of his Lough Conn & Cullin trips since. Tying is as per his magazine article a number of years ago.
Cathal fishes this on top dropper first, but then moves it to the middle fly if it does not have good start. Like most wet flies, it’s going to be best in the wave but he` would still have it on in calmer water fishing bit deeper. For time of year I would say anytime Olives or Mayfly around on Lough Conn. it’s worked for Cathal late season on Lough Owel (size 14), maybe for a caddis. He prefers it tied sparsely with the Deer Hair compared to other stimulators.
Thanks to Cathal for sharing this. Feel free to like and share. Tight lines.